Hey people, after a long gap I am coming up with a fresh topic, that is the most famous topic of the Networking .
Today we understand different terminologies of networking. So, let deep dive into the topic. Let's first understand, what is network ?
Basically, a network is a group or system of people or devices interconnected to each other. For example, your friends' group or a network of alumni of your college. Here, we are talking about computers ,so next the topic comes up is : what is computer network?
A computer network is a network of computers interconnected to each other to share information, data and resources with cables or wireless technologies. Computer network helps in two things : (a) communication , (b) sharing resources.
So, we understand what is computer network? Then , the next topic is very famous Internet , Internet is a network of computer network that use standardized communication protocols to exchange data and information.
The next topic is : what is protocol? It refers to a set of rules governing the exchange or transmission of data between devices. There are different types of protocols like HTTP , TCP etc. Then, the next topic is : what is www? It stands for World Wide Web. It refers to a system of interconnected resources available on the internet. www is build on top of internet and provides a way to share information and resources.
Then the next topic is : what is a IP address? It is a unique numerical identifier that is assigned uniquely to every devices which are in computer network. There are two types of IP address : IPv4 and IPv6. If you want to learn more about types of IP address , you can visit this link : https://www.google.com/search?q=types+of+ip+address+in+computer+network&sxsrf=APwXEdc26ughbWFZodZ_kEUKcwIPFP7h5Q%3A1681397460096&ei=1BY4ZNzNBdyPseMP9IuhkAE&oq=types+of+ip+address+&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQARgBMgQIIxAnMgoIABCABBAUEIcCMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgoIABCABBAUEIcCMgUIABCABDoKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoHCCMQrgIQJzoGCAAQFhAeOggIABCKBRCGA0oECEEYAFDlA1jlB2DvGWgBcAF4AIABswGIAbMFkgEDMC40mAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp
The last topic of today's blog is none other than port. It is a numeric identifier used to identify specific services running on a server. For example, HTTP use port number 80 while HTTPS uses 403. There are three types of ports: (i) (0-1023) -> well-known port ( reserved for a specific application and protocol) (ii) (1024-49152) -> registered port ( used by the specific application but not system referred ) (iii) (49153-65535) -> used for future purpose
Here, I end this blog . Thank you for visiting my blog. In future, I am coming with more interesting topic. Happy Learning !!