Exploring Image

Exploring Image

Using html and css

Today I have created a programme using Html and CSS.In the journey of making this,I enjoyed a lot.I am very happy that I tried this.Today I learned a lot of topics like CSS selectors, box making and colors and styles in CSS.But in them,I enjoyed learning background image.It was so much fun to code on the topic and specially the result appearing.

Here is the code of that Background image :

  1. <!DOCTYPE html>

  2. <html>

  3. <head>

  4. <meta charset="UTF-8">

  5. <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

  6. <title>my life</title>

  7. <style>

  8. body{

  9. background-image:url(./pexels-photo-15140094.jpeg);

  10. background-size:200px;

  11. background-attachment:scroll;

  12. }

  13. </style>

  14. </head>

  15. <body>

  16. <h1>my life my rule</h1>

  17. <p>

  18. CSS selectors are used for selecting the HTML elements that you want to style,and they are a fundamental part of working with CSS.ghh ghudd dfyh fdghh ddff.

  19. </p>

  20. </body>

  21. </html>